
class alfred3.admin.AdminAccess(value)[source]#

Bases: enum.Enum

Access levels in admin mode.

The levels are:

  • LEVEL1: Lowest clearance. This level should be granted to pages that display additional information but do not allow active intervention. Used by SpectatorPage.

  • LEVEL2: Medium clearance. This level should be granted to pages that allow non-critical actions like exporting data or sending emails.

  • LEVEL3: Highest clearance. This level should be granted to pages that allow the most critical actions, e.g. permanent data deletion. As a rule of thumb, only one person should have level 3 access for an experiment.

If you use the admin mode, you always have to specify passwords for all three levels in secrets.conf, section general:

# secrets.conf
adminpass_lvl1 = demo
adminpass_lvl2 = use-better-passwords
adminpass_lvl3 = to-protect-access

You can specficy multiple passwords for the same level to enable a token-like authentication management. To specifiy multiple passwords, simply separate them by |:

# secrets.conf
adminpass_lvl1 = demo|demopass-2
adminpass_lvl2 = use-better-passwords
adminpass_lvl3 = to-protect-access


Because of its special meaning for the separation of multiple passwords, the character | cannot be part of a password.
