
Provides a command line interface for transforming .json data files into .csv files.

By default, the command expects to find the .json files in the current working directory. A basic example would look something like this. You have run some local experiment sessions. Now you have an experiment directory that looks something like this:


The .json files in the directory save/exp/ hold data of individual sessions. We want to combine them into a .csv file for further data anaylsis. Usually, alfred3 will do this automatically for you after each experiment run and save the result in the data/ directory, but lets assume that this does not work in our case. To transform the data, we follow these steps:

1. Open up a terminal.

On Mac, this is just the Terminal app. On Windows, this is the command line application. If you are using an IDE like PyCharm, there is most likely a terminal integrated into the user interface.

2. Make sure that you are in the correct working directory.

You can go to a specific directory by running the following code:

$ cd path/to/directory

Replace path/to/directory with your actual full path to the save/exp/ directory of your experiment. Note that, on Windows, you probably need to use backshlashes () instead of ordinary slashes (/) in the path.

3. Run the command in the terminal

Run the following command:

$ alfred3 json-to-csv

Et voilà! This will place the .csv file inside the current directory. If you run into problem at this point, make sure that you have alfred3 installed in your current environment. If you are usually working in a virtual environment, you may need to activate that environment.

You can access the full manual to all available options of the json-to-csv command by executing:

$ alfred3 json-to-csv --help

The current version is:

Usage: alfred3 json-to-csv [OPTIONS]

--dtype TEXT        The data type to extratct form .json files. Can be
                    'exp_data', 'codebook', 'move_history', and
                    'unlinked_data'.  [default: exp_data]

--in_path TEXT      Path to directory containing json files. If None
                    (default), the current working directory will be used.

--out_path TEXT     Path to directory in which the output csv file will be
                    place. If None (default), the current working directory
                    will be used.

--exp_version TEXT  The experiment version for which codebook data should be
                    extracted. Only relevant for codebook data.

--delimiter TEXT    Delimiter to use in the resulting csv file. Defaults to

--help              Show this message and exit.



Turns uncurated alfred data from json format into csv format.