
Provides a command line command for running a local alfred3 experiment.

Run an alfred3 experiment from the terminal by changing to the experiment directory and running:

$ alfred3 run

You can access the help for this command directly in the terminal by executing:

$ alfred3 run --help

The current version offers the following options:

Usage: alfred3 run [OPTIONS]

-a, --auto-open / -m, --manual-open
                                If this flag is set to '-a', the experiment
                                will open a browser window automatically.
                                [default: '-a']

--path TEXT                     Path to experiment directory. [default:
                                current working directory]

-debug, --debug / -production, --production
                                If this flag is set to to '-debug', the
                                alfred experiment will start in debug mode.
                                [default: '-production']

-test, --test / -production, --production
                                If this flag is set to to '-test', the
                                alfred experiment will start in test mode.
                                [default: '-production']

--help                          Show this message and exit.