
property RowLayout.valign_cols: List[str][source]#

Vertical column alignments.

Valid values are ‘auto’ (default), ‘top’, ‘center’, and ‘bottom’. Can be specified upon initalization or modified as instance attribute.

Each element of the list refers to one column. If it contains fewer elements than the number of columns, the last entry of the list will be used as value for the unreferenced columns.


All columns of the following layout will be aligned to the bottom of the row (specified upon initialization):

layout1 = RowLayout(ncols=3, valign_cols=["bottom"])

The first column of the following layout will be aligned top, the 2nd and 3rd columns will be aligned bottom (specified after initialization):

layout2 = RowLayout(ncols=3)
layout2.valign_cols = ["top", "bottom"]
