

Decorator for code to be run upon ExperimentSession.finish().

The decorated function can have an arbitrary name. It must take an ExperimentSession object as its only argument (usually spelled as exp). You can use this decorator on as many functions as you like.

The purpose of this decorator is to allow manipulation of the ExperimentSession object generated by Experiment a last time before the final page is shown. The decorated functions are the first things to be called in the ExperimentSession.finish() method.

A common usecase would be to conditionally assign the experiment’s final page based on subject input during the experiment.

See also

This decorator basically works the same as setup() and abort(), just at a different time.


Using the @exp.finish decorator for conditionally changing the final page:

import alfred3 as al
exp = al.Experiment()

class Demo(al.Page):
    name = "demo1"

def set_final_page(exp):  # the decorated function can have any name

    if exp.values["text1"] == "value":
       exp.final_page = al.Page("Option A", name="final_page_a")

       exp.final_page = al.Page("Option B", name="final_page_b")