- ExperimentAdmin.run(path: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, **kwargs)[source]#
Runs the experiment.
- Parameters
path – Path to the experiment directory, containing script.py. If None, alfred looks for a script.py in the directory from which this method is executed.
open_browser – Indicates, whether alfred should try to open a new browser window automatically.
debug – Indicates, whether the underlying flask app should be run in debug mode. Defaults to None, which leads to taking the value from option ‘open_browser’ in section ‘general’ of config.conf.
test – If true, the experiment is started in test mode. Session IDs and the experiment version receive a prefix of “test-“.
Changed in version 2.3.0: Added parameter test.
If you execute this method in your script.py, make sure to use an
if __name__ == "__main__"
protector (see example)!See also
There are two other useful ways of running your alfred experiment:
Define a run.py in your Experiment directory (see
)Use the command line interface (see
)alfred3 run
A convenient way of running short alfred experiments is to call this method at the end of your script.py:
import alfred3 as al exp = al.Experiment() exp += al.Page(name="demo") if __name__ == "__main__": exp.run()
To start an experiment in test mode:
import alfred3 as al exp = al.Experiment() exp += al.Page(name="demo") if __name__ == "__main__": exp.run(test=True)
To start an experiment without trying to open a browser window automatically:
import alfred3 as al exp = al.Experiment() exp += al.Page(name="demo") if __name__ == "__main__": exp.run(open_browser=False)