
property ExperimentSession.progress_bar: alfred3.element.display.ProgressBar[source]#

The experiment’s progress bar.

There are two options in config.conf that control the progress bar, both in the layout section:

  • show_progress (true/false) toggles whether a progress bar is displayed at all

  • fix_progress_top (true/false) toggles whether the progress bar should stay at a fixed position at the top of the page, when subjects scroll down on a long page.

The progress bar can be customized by redefining it with a element.ProgressBar of your choosing.

See also

See element.ProgressBar for more information on how to specify a custom progress bar.


The experiment-wide progress bar always receives a name of progress_bar_.


Example of controlling the progress bar in the config.conf:

show_progress = true
fix_progress_top = false

Example of redefining the experiment-wide progress bar:

import alfred3 as al
exp = al.Experiment()

def setup(exp):
    exp.progress_bar = al.ProgressBar(show_text=True, bar_height="10px")