
ExperimentSession.read_csv_tolist(path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: str = 'utf-8', **kwargs) Iterator[list][source]#

Iterates over the rows in a .csv file, yielding lists.

  • path – The path to the .csv file. Usually, you want this to be a relative path to a file in a subdirectory of the experiment directory.

  • encoding – Encoding of the .csv file. Defaults to ‘utf-8’.

  • **kwargs – Further arguments passed on to csv.reader


list – A list of the values in one row.


Consider the following csv-file:

col1    ,   col2    ,   col3
text_a  ,   text_b  ,   text_c
text_d  ,   text_e  ,   text_f

When building a page, usual usage would be:

import alfred3 as al
exp = al.Experiment()

class CSVDemoPage(al.Page):     # this could also be a Section
    name = "csv_demo"

    def on_exp_access(self):

        for row in self.exp.read_csv_tolist("files/data.csv"):

The output would be the following:

["col1", "col2", "col3"]        # first iteration yields column names
["text_a", "text_b", "text_c"]  # second iteration
["text_a", "text_b", "text_c"]  # third iteration

If you need a full list of the rows, you can wrap the function call in list():

import alfred3 as al
exp = al.Experiment()

class CSVDemoPage(al.Page):     # this could also be a Section
    name = "csv_demo"

    def on_exp_access(self):

        data = list(self.exp.read_csv_tolist("files/data.csv"))

The output would be the following:

[["col1", "col2", "col3"],
["text_a", "text_b", "text_c"],
["text_a", "text_b", "text_c"]]