

Starts the experiment.

Usually, this method does not need to be called manually. It will be called automatically, when the /experiment/start url route is called.


A special url parameter ‘jumpto’ can be used to trigger a jump to a specific page at the start of the session.


Example for a custom jump via url parameter at the start of the experiment session. Let’s take a minimal experiment with two pages:

import alfred3 as al
exp = al.Experiment()

exp += al.Page(name="page1")
exp += al.Page(name="page2")

Now, if you can start the experiment with the normal url:

This is the url that is used by the auto-start function if you start the experiment via alfred3 run. The experiment will start on page1. But you can also start the experiment by manually calling the following url:

In this case, the experiment will immediately jump to page2.