
property Page.vargs: dict[source]#

A dictionary of additional arguments passed on the class upon initialization. Can be defined as a class attribute.

As a special feature, you can use dot notation to access (but not to set) values on this dictionary.


Example of definig the vargs as a class attribute on a page:

import alfred3 as al
exp = al.Experiment()

class Demo(al.Page):
    vargs = {"variable_argument": "demo"}

    def on_exp_access(self):
        self += al.Text(self.vargs.variable_argument)

Example of using the vargs in page instantiation:

import alfred3 as al
exp = al.Experiment()

class TestPage(al.Page):
    def on_exp_access(self):
        self += al.Text(f"{self.vargs.test}")

class Test(al.Section):

    def on_exp_access(self):
        for i in range(3):
            self += TestPage(name=f"p{i}", vargs={"test": 123})