

Executed every time the experiment resumes from a direct subsection to this section.

Resuming takes place, when a child section is left and the next page is a direct child of the parent section. Then this the parent section becomes the primary current section again: it resumes its status.


We are currently questioning the four section hooks on_enter, on_hand_over, on_resume, and on_leave. Everything that you may wish to accomplish with these hooks can be done in page hooks. The section versions have some caveats that make them a bit tougher to use correctly. So, for the meantime, please avoid these hooks and use page hooks instead. The attributes Section.first_page and Section.last_page may be useful for you in this regard.

The Section.on_exp_access() hook is not going anywhere, although we may at some point decide to introduce an alternative name for it in order to avoid confusion with Page.on_exp_access().

See also

See “How to use hooks” for a how to on using hooks and an overview of available hooks.